Axel Hecht Mozilla in Your Language

March 6, 2007

Planet Mozilla L10N

Filed under: L10n,Mozilla — Axel Hecht @ 1:03 pm

I’d like to introduce you to Planet Mozilla L10N, a new resource that’s hosted on the l10n server. We’d like to syndicate blog posts by our localization community that are of interest to other localizers. We started off with a few feeds that are already on, but really only a few of general interest to the Mozilla community. I for one syndicate only the posts in my l10n category, for example.

If you would like to participate on Planet Mozilla L10N, please drop me a line. If you’d rather not appear on there, but do, too, of course, which currently only affects Mitchell, SethB, Pascal, and me.

For those reading my blog and not planet, Seth blogged about how you can get access to, just file a bug. We’re all set up for you to have files hosted on there. For more involved services, file a bug in the same component. The server is set up for VMs, if you’re doing something that would better fit a new VM, that’s cool. Disclaimer, we sadly have to turn down services that support user posts, basically. Think wiki, forums, blogs with comments/trackback. Sad, but true, that’s the world we live in.

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